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What Are the Differences Between the Members of the Noble Gas Family?

What are Noble Gases or Inert Gases?

The elements in Grouping 18 of the periodic table are known equally the noble gases. These elements are too known as the inert gases, which is a very appropriate name for them since this group of elements exhibits extremely inert chemical behaviour.

Table of Content

  • Members of the Element of group 0 Family
  • Recommended Videos of Noble Gases
  • Non-Metallic Behaviour of Inert Gases
  • Uses of Noble Gases
  • How were the Inert Gases Discovered?
  • FAQs

Members of the Inert Gas Family

The members of group 18 in the modern periodic table are:

  • Helium (He)
  • Neon (Ne)
  • Argon (Ar)
  • Krypton (Kr)
  • Xenon (Xe)
  • Radon (Rn)

Noble Gases

These gases are so-called due to the stability of these elements. This stability is due to the completely filled outermost shells of the elements. The inert gases are used in various applications irrespective of their inert or scarcely reactive nature.

The inert gases are typical non-metals in many ways. They are colourless, odourless gases which have low melting and humid points. They are poor conductors of heat and electricity even when in the liquid form. But like in other groups of the periodic table, at that place are clear trends in the melting and boiling points of the inert gases. The melting and boiling points increment down the group – although as the humid points increment downwardly the group – although every bit the boiling signal of radon is nevertheless just -62oC they all eddy at pretty low temperatures.

The density of the inert gases too increases going down the group, the result of the atoms getting bigger all the fourth dimension. Helium has the smallest and lightest atoms so helium gas is less dense than air, a fact which is important when we look at information technology.

Uses of Noble Gases

  • In metallurgical processes, argon is widely used in society to provide the necessary inert atmosphere. This inert atmosphere plays an of import part in welding titanium, aluminium, stainless steel, and magnesium. It is as well used in the production of titanium.
  • A limited amount of argon is used in germanium and silicon crystals which are used in electric light bulbs, transistors, etc.
  • The boiling point of helium is the to the lowest degree when compared to any other liquid. Information technology is used to obtain the lowest temperatures required in lasers.
  • Helium is used in nuclear reactors every bit a cooling gas and used as a flow-gas in liquid-gas chromatography. It finds its awarding in airships and helium balloons.
  • Helium balloons are used to bank check the weather of a particular region. Helium is preferred over hydrogen though hydrogen is cheaper, equally helium is readily available and hydrogen is highly inflammable. Hence, due to safe bug helium is preferred in shipping.
  • Information technology is used by divers to dilute oxygen over nitrogen in the gas cylinders used by them as nitrogen can easily be dissolved in the blood which results in a painful condition called bends. The risk of helium causing bends is slightly lower than nitrogen.
  • Neon is used in belch tubes which is the reason behind the blood-red-orange glow produced past neon lights.
  • Xenon and krypton notice their awarding in photographic flash units due to the generation of very bright lite. It is also used in lighthouses.
  • Neon, xenon, and krypton are used to produce different colour lights.

How were the Inert Gases Discovered?

The inert gases are invisible and unreactive and this makes them very difficult to spot when they are mixed with other gases in air. In 1894, there was no reason to suspect they existed at all.

In that year Sir William Ramsay did an interesting experiment. He wanted to see what happened when all the gases were removed from the air. He did this by passing air over heated copper and heated magnesium. He expects to accept nothing left at the end. He reasoned that everything in the air would react, either with the hot copper or with the hot magnesium. In fact, he institute that from every 100cm3 of air about 1cm3 always remained backside.

William Ramsay was such a good experiment that he knew he hadn't made an fault. No thing how frequently he repeated the experiment, he always had the aforementioned proportion of gas left behind. He did lots of experiments on the leftover gas to try and go far react with something. He tried the about reactive substance he knew, including fluorine, phosphorus and potassium, but it never did anything. So he called this rather boring new gas argon, from a Greek word meaning lazy or inactive.

Oftentimes Asked Questions – FAQs

Why are inert gases important?

The noble gasses often practice not react with many substances and have been historically called inert gases. Generally, inert gases are used to prevent unwanted chemical reactions which degrade a sample. Oxidation and hydrolysis reactions with the oxygen and moisture in air are often these undesirable chemical reactions.

Why inert gases exercise not react?

These atoms' full-valence electron shells make noble gases highly stable and hard to form chemical bonds, since they continue to proceeds or lose electrons. Although noble gasses usually do non react to form compounds with other elements, there are some exceptions.

What are the properties of the noble gases?

Other characteristics of the noble gasses are that they all conduct electricity, fluoresce, are odourless and colourless, and are used under several weather condition where a stable chemical element is needed to maintain a good for you and constant surround. This series of chemicals contains helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon.

Why are noble gases called noble?

The noble gases are helium, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, in social club of their mass. They are chosen noble gases because they are and so majestic that they do not react with anything in general. They're as well known as inert gases for this reason.

Read more near Noble Gases – Concrete and Chemical Backdrop.


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